Governance and Management

One Climate Fund Southern Africa is managed by local and international experts.
One Climate Fund Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd emerged from an international initiative to fund renewable energy projects.

This initiative originates from the One Climate Club.  The Protestant Church of Westphalia (EKvW), Germany, conceived the Club and established it with Indian, East African and South African partners.

Board member Nationality Gender Board Committee Membership
Ulrich Moeller German M Chairman of the Board
Arumugam Pillay South African M Investment.  Finance and Risk.
Neo Tladinyane South African M Governance and HR.  Investment.
Kedibone Seutloadi South African F Governance and HR.  Investment.
Penelope Beck South African F Governance and HR.  Finance and Risk.
Ramalingum Moodley South African M Investment.  Finance and Risk.

Our Board of Directors

Dr Urich Moeller
Ulrich Moeller

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Moeller is a German Citizen and has a Doctorate in Theology.
Dr Arumugam Pillay
Arumugam Pillay


Dr. Pillay has a Doctorate in the Economics – his Thesis was on the Housing Finance industry in South Africa.
More about Dr. Moeller ...
Dr. Moeller is a high-ranking representative of the Protestant Church of Westphalia (EKvW) Germany, which is the founding sponsor of this project.  The church has 2.4 million members.

He has been actively involved in championing many initiatives in South Africa, East Africa as well as in Europe, related to the development of renewable energy provision on the basis of climate justice, reducing energy poverty and just social development.

Dr. Moeller is experienced in providing strong and visionary leadership that promotes collaboration amongst colleagues and partnerships with external parties.

Dr Moeller has served for many years on several International Boards during his professional career.  These include the International Finance Committee of the European Council of Churches (CEC), and bringing together experts from the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its members and experts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) and (CEC).

More about Dr. Pillay ...
Dr. Pillay has 28 years’ experience in Development Finance and has been extensively involved with structuring funds for investment in a range of socially needed infrastructure assets, financial services, affordable and rental housing.

While at the Development Bank of Southern he was responsible for infrastructure investment in South Africa. During an 8-year period many water, sanitation, roads and housing projects were financed under his leadership. He was involved in the first PPP in South Africa.

At Standard Corporate Merchant Bank (SCBM) he was involved in the financing of both Public Finance and Project Finance transactions in SA and the SADC region. He arranged and structured deals for Water & Sanitation, Communication, Ports, Power Generation, Transport, Prisons, Integrated Housing Projects and Infrastructure. At SCMB he was involved in the South Africa Infrastructure Fund (equity and debt) funding for limited recourse projects in SA.

Dr. Pillay has extensive experience as a wholesale lender to banks and non-banks that finance housing. He established the first Housing Equity Fund in South Africa while at the NHFC. He has studied local and international housing finance systems and helped to draft legislation, structure financial mechanisms and arrange instruments to promote lending to low-income communities.

His executive training in this field includes participation in:

  • The Management of Development Programme (DBSA /World Bank).
  • The Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Investment Course (Institute of Public Private Partnerships [IP3], in Washington).
  • The Housing Finance Programme (Wharton Business School).

Dr. Pillay has been a Director of:

  • The Micro-Finance Regulatory Council (Chairperson).
  • Office of Disclosure, National Department of Human Settlements (Deputy-Chairperson).
  • Cape Town Community Housing Company (Director).
  • The National Urban Housing and Reconstruction Agency (Managing Director).
  • Ekurhuleni Housing Company (Chief Executive Officer).
Neo Tladinyane
Neo Tladinyane


Mr. Tladinyane is a qualified civil engineer.
Dr Kedibone Seutloadi
Kedibone Seutloadi


Dr. Kedibone Seutloadi has a doctorate in Business Administration.
More about Mr. Tladinyane ...
Mr Tladinyane has extensive experience in the business of road and affordable housing construction and development, and in the business of strategic consulting in the overall housing and development field.

Mr Tladinyane is an executive director of several companies in the Bagale Group and as such has extensive and in-depth experience in both the governance and operational aspects of strategy and risk management.  Mr Tladinyane has operational experience in the work that interfaces with communities in affordable housing development

More about Dr. Seutloadi ...
Dr. Seutloadi is qualified as a teacher and social scientist (in research methodologies).

She has expertise in management and operational capacity building, social surveys covering the housing needs of communities in informal settlements as well as formal housing, urban regeneration, review surveys of water services backlogs, due diligence of tertiary education support services, impact assessment of corporate practices, evaluation of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), customer satisfaction surveys and organisational diagnoses for a range of parastatals.

Dr. Seutloadi is experienced in situational analyses of critical social challenges, like violence in schools and the status of youth in a municipality.  Dr. Seutloadi has an interest in women’s savings clubs as a form of developmental investment, in terms of which she developed a national proposal during the early-2000s.

Penelope Beck
Penelope Beck


Ms. Penelope Beck is a qualified Attorney at Law with her own general law practice.
Ramalingum Moodley
Ramalingum Moodley


Mr. Ramalingum Moodley is a Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduate.
More about Ms. Beck ...
Ms. Beck is currently a part-time member of the National Consumer Tribunal, a director on the Ombudsman for Banking Services (serving on the Audit Finance Committee), a member of the Office of Disclosure of the Department of Human Settlements (addressing unfair lending practices of banks), extensive experience in legal services covering mediation, adjudication, dispute resolution, conciliation, management (of projects, HR and donor funding), marketing, regulatory compliance, policy formulation, business strategy development and implementation, project /programme management (including design, concept, monitoring and evaluation), lobbying, advocacy, training and fund raising.

Ms. Beck has also worked in the human rights environment with specific reference to human rights in general, socio economic rights, low income housing and general consumer protection.

More about Mr. Moodley ...
Mr. Moodley has 35 years’ experience in the Financial Services Industry with extensive and deep experience in the public development finance sector.  This includes private retail banking, corporate merchant banking and in the National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) where he specialised in structuring funds for investment in the affordable and social housing market segments.

He has experience in customer service and risk management in the financial sector.  His fund structuring experience includes securitisation, Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), capacitation of lending intermediaries and experience in negotiating with multi-lateral development financing institutions. He has experience in the management funds that provide equity and debt funding.  He will play an important role in the investment subcommittee.

Dr Ulrich Moeller

Ulrich Moeller

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Moeller, is a German Citize and has a Doctorate in Theology.

Read more ...
Dr. Moeller is a high-ranking representative of the Protestant Church of Westphalia (EKvW), Germany, which is the founding sponsor of this project.  The church has 2.4 million members.

He has been actively involved in championing many initiatives in South Africa, East Africa as well as in Europe, related to the development of renewable energy provision on the basis of climate justice, reducing energy poverty and just social development.

Dr. Moeller is experienced in providing strong and visionary leadership that promotes collaboration amongst colleagues and partnerships with external parties.

Dr Moeller has be served for many years on several International Boards during his professional career.  These include the International Finance Committee of the European Council of Churches (CEC), and bringing together experts from the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its members and experts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) and (CEC).

Dr Arumugam Pillay

Arumugam Pillay


Dr. Pillay has a Doctorate in the Economics – his Thesis was on the Housing Finance industry in South Africa.

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Dr. Pillay has 28 years’ experience in Development Finance and has been extensively involved with structuring funds for investment in a range of socially needed infrastructure assets, financial services, affordable and rental housing.

While at the Development Bank of Southern he was responsible for infrastructure investment in South Africa. During an 8-year period many water, sanitation, roads and housing projects were financed under his leadership. He was involved in the first PPP in South Africa.

At Standard Corporate Merchant Bank (SCBM) he was involved in the financing of both Public Finance and Project Finance transactions in SA and the SADC region. He arranged and structured deals for Water & Sanitation, Communication, Ports, Power Generation, Transport, Prisons, Integrated Housing Projects and Infrastructure. At SCMB he was involved in the South Africa Infrastructure Fund (equity and debt) funding for limited recourse projects in SA.

Dr. Pillay has extensive experience as a wholesale lender to banks and non-banks that finance housing. He established the first Housing Equity Fund in South Africa while at the NHFC. He has studied local and international housing finance systems and helped to draft legislation, structure financial mechanisms and arrange instruments to promote lending to low-income communities.

His executive training in this field includes participation in:

  • The Management of Development Programme (DBSA /World Bank).
  • The Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Investment Course (Institute of Public Private Partnerships [IP3], in Washington).
  • The Housing Finance Programme (Wharton Business School).

Dr. Pillay has been a Director of:

  • The Micro-Finance Regulatory Council (Chairperson).
  • Office of Disclosure, National Department of Human Settlements (Deputy-Chairperson).
  • Cape Town Community Housing Company (Director).
  • The National Urban Housing and Reconstruction Agency (Managing Director).
  • Ekurhuleni Housing Company (Chief Executive Officer).
Neo Tladinyane

Neo Tladinyane


Mr. Tladinyane is a qualified civil engineer.

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He has extensive experience in the business of road and affordable housing construction and development, and in the business of strategic consulting in the overall housing and development field.

Mr Tladinyane is an executive director of several companies in the Bagale Group and as such has extensive and in-depth experience in both the governance and operational aspects of strategy and risk management.  Mr Tladinyane has operational experience in the work that interfaces with communities in affordable housing development

Dr Kedibone Seutloadi

Kedibone Seutloadi


Dr. Kedibone Seutloadi has a doctorate in Business Administration.

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Dr. Seutloadi is qualified as a teacher and social scientist (in research methodologies)

She has expertise in management and operational capacity building, social surveys covering the housing needs of communities in informal settlements as well as formal housing, urban regeneration, review surveys of water services backlogs, due diligence of tertiary education support services, impact assessment of corporate practices, evaluation of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), customer satisfaction surveys and organisational diagnoses for a range of parastatals.

Dr. Seutloadi is experienced in situational analyses of critical social challenges, like violence in schools and the status of youth in a municipality.  Dr. Seutloadi has an interest in women’s savings clubs as a form of developmental investment, in terms of which she developed a national proposal during the early-2000s.

Penelope Beck

Penelope Beck


Ms. Penelope Beck is a qualified Attorney at Law with her own general law practice.

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Ms. Beck is currently a part-time member of the National Consumer Tribunal, a director on the Ombudsman for Banking Services (serving on the Audit Finance Committee), a member of the Office of Disclosure of the Department of Human Settlements (addressing unfair lending practices of banks), extensive experience in legal services covering mediation, adjudication, dispute resolution, conciliation, management (of projects, HR and donor funding), marketing, regulatory compliance, policy formulation, business strategy development and implementation, project /programme management (including design, concept, monitoring and evaluation), lobbying, advocacy, training and fund raising.

Ms. Beck has also worked in the human rights environment with specific reference to human rights in general, socio economic rights, low income housing and general consumer protection.

Ramalingum Moodley

Ramalingum Moodley


Mr. Ramalingum Moodley is a Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduate.

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Mr. Moodley has 35 years’ experience in the Financial Services Industry with extensive and deep experience in the public development finance sector.  This includes private retail banking, corporate merchant banking and in the National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) where he specialised in structuring funds for investment in the affordable and social housing market segments.

He has experience in customer service and risk management in the financial sector.  His fund structuring experience includes securitisation, Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), capacitation of lending intermediaries and experience in negotiating with multi-lateral development financing institutions. He has experience in the management funds that provide equity and debt funding.  He will play an important role in the investment subcommittee.

Current and planned structure of the business over the next 3 years

One Climate Fund Organogram
